Saturday, December 26, 2020

Dead Man's Detective #1

 Thank you #NetGalley and #Rachel Graves for letting to me read and review #DeadMansDetective.

Ex army officer Elizabeth Hicks, who is also a spirit witch, is trying to live a normal life after fighting in a war. 

Elizabeth receives a call from a friend from her old unit while in the army. He is asking her help in choosing whether he should take a side job for money. She agrees to listen to the details. Once she knows the details, she suggests he walk away. 

Soon, she is thrown in to a who-dun-it and meeting evil people in her community. She is learning about all sorts of secrets from those close to her, that changes her perspective on everyone around her. 

If you enjoy reading Janet Evanovich or Laurell K. Hamilton, you should definitely give #Rachel Graves a try. You will not be disappointed. 

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