Friday, August 12, 2022

Meditations on Butterflies by Kristen D'Angelo

 This book is truly beautiful and breathtaking!

The beginning of the book has a section called "Butterfly Families". Six different butterfly families are identified and goes into detail how to spot them.
The next section gives detailed instructions on how to build a butterfly habitat. It goes on to explain what kinds of plants are best to host butterflies and what not to feed or use around them. 
Next, the butterfly's life cycle. All the stages of the butterfly's life.

After learning all these important steps on saving the butterflies and protecting them, an A to Z section of butterflies! You get calligraphy exercises, coloring sections, a journal section, and random facts. And every once in awhile a need little tidbit is added, such as a mini "to-do" list tucked in a tiny corner of one of the activity pages. 

If you know anyone who is interested in nature, butterflies, and art; this is the book for them or yourself!

Thank you #NetGalley and #GirlFridayBooks for letting me review #MeditationsonButterflies by Kristen D'Angelo.

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