Saturday, April 15, 2023

Jigglyspot and the Zero Intellect by PD Alleva

So, I hear you are craving a literary horror story that you want to get lost in and ignore the reality around you. Well, here you go…

“Certain events that we endure… we don’t understand why we go through them when they happen. Not until much later, when reflecting, can we see what the purpose was.”

PD Alleva is becoming one of my most favorite authors in the horror genre. He can write such a phenomenal story that at first, appears daunting due to the size of the book, but it doesn’t feel like a 500+ page story. Oh no, it is easy to devour the words and get lost in his stories and I always crave so much more after finishing one of his stories.

You have got to read Jigglyspot and the Zero Intellect that comes out October 31, 2023. This story is unique and it’ll suck you right in and will leave you begging for more!

Jigglyspot is this short five foot warlock and he’s half human - which he hates with a passion. He works in a carnival to hide what he really does for a group of demons. Jigglyspot has been tasked with hosting the annual Summer Solstice Celebration at the Cannibal Cafe. So many obstacles get in his way… but he tries his damndest to make it all work out.

So. Much. Happens.

You get gore, sex, drugs, supernatural, cannibalism, mutilation, kidnapping, and psychological horrors. And so much more.

“You can’t claim to know when you know nothing because you don’t know everything.”

Alleva has managed to put just about every horror sub-genre into this 548 page story of mayhem. He holds nothing back, but it is so elegant and pure that it will make you dance with the evil inside the words and long for an encore.

Hands down, one of the BEST stories I have read in years. I said that about his story Golem; but Jigglyspot…itches that spot that I didn’t realize I had.

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