Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Devourers Tales by Steven Bazydlo

This is such a weird and outstanding collection of short stories. Some of them are so far out there, I had a blast reading them. There are twenty stories altogether. They range from the supernatural, to serial killer, to post-apocalypse and everything else in between and more.

Bazydlo has a distinctive type of writing. It is so imaginative and different from many authors that sets him in a different category all to himself. If there are other authors like him, I have not found them yet. It is like a mix of horror, human psyche, science fiction, and otherworldliness. He takes such a simple subject and throws this huge spin on it and it leaves you thinking, how the hell did he come up with this??

I can’t break down these stories because some of them are just so unique. I could never put into words what they are about. Anything I say would give away too much. However, my most favorite story in this collection is definitely The Forge Mother. It’s a dystopian story of humanity’s future and what evolutionary changes we need to go through to survive. It is so bizarre and amazing, I will remember it for the rest of my life.

I highly recommend this collection if you are in need of something different to absorb and reflect on each story. This is one of those collections that I can guarantee, one of those stories (or more) will have an impact on you.

What do you think of this cover?? Freaking hell.. LOL

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