Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Bad God's Tower by Erica Summers

 A couple months ago I read an awesome western horror book. I had no clue that I was missing an amazing sub-genre. So, when Erica Summers reached out and said she has a western horror book called Bad God’s Tower and if I want to read and review it. Of course, I said hell yeah! It’s due to be released on July 1st, 2023. Make sure this is on your tbr. It was a whole lot of fun to read!

A couple of no-good rotten scoundrels fake an illness and manage to escape from the Wyoming Territorial Prison. Chester and Eugene have some plans they need to get moving on, and ain’t nobody, nohow, are gonna get in their way, I reckon. They have some hidden gold and treasures they need to be diggin’ up! Oh, and there are some nasty little creatures that’ll give you the deep, dark cave shivers. 

What follows is a great story of these two guys making their way up to the Belle Fourche River. These two are nothing but trouble, and leave a path of blood and chaos. Once they make it to the mountain that has all this gold and treasure, the tables quickly turn on them.

Summers has written a fabulous, quick western horror with a little bit of humor thrown in. The story pulled me in quickly and I had a ton of fun finishing it up. I will say, though, that the back and forth of using Chester and Eugene’s first and last names had me confused a few times. I had to write down their full names to remember that Craven is Chester and Dempsey is Eugene. I think it would have been better to just stick with their first name. But don’t let that keep you from reading this. It’s still a blast, I reckon’.

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