Sunday, August 20, 2023

The Devil Within Us All by William F. Gray

A three-part horror literary novel with tons of action. There are a lot of characters and events in this story. There is a page with a list of all the characters to help keep track of who is who. 

Rappahanok Falls will never be the same. An evil figure drives into town and manipulates others to commit aggressive acts of violence. Friends turn on each other. Families are torn apart. The evil figure is causing Rappahanok Falls to fall apart. Those who are not swayed to violence are fighting to stop this evil from destroying the entire town.  

Sometimes, when you start a book that has a list of the characters and their jobs before the story even begins, it makes some of us leery. Throughout the story, I did have to look at the list of characters because I would get confused. Even though I had to look, the story kept my attention, and I didn’t find it a problem referring to the list. 

I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this story because this kind of story can get confusing real quick. Gray did such a great job that I do hope to read more of his books. If I had to explain Gray’s writing style… I would say it is engaging and straightforward. At almost 400 pages, he doesn’t use a lot of filler. The smooth writing style makes the story quick and entertaining. 

If you are looking for a deep story with hidden meaning, The Devil Within Us All is a great book to put on your TBR. 

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