Thursday, September 14, 2023

Dark Corners of the Old Dominion: A Virginia Horrors Anthology, edited by Joseph Maddrey and Michael Rook.

All proceeds from this book will be given to the Scares that Care program. 

This anthology is a collection of 23 stories and poetry. Each author has a section of Virginia to set their story in. This collection of stories takes readers to the darkest corners of the Old Dominion, where secrets and horrors await. It features stories from some of your favorite authors, as well as new-to-you voices. 

Brian Keene writes the foreword. He discusses the act of love and how it unites us all. The power of love is one action that helps Scares that Care be successful. 

The stories are about cryptids, human horrors, empty towns, ghosts, and historical horror.  It is a unique blend of different horrors.

It would be hard to choose one favorite out of this collection. Every single story was enjoyable, and it introduced me to authors I had not heard of before.

I definitely recommend this to all horror lovers. There is something for everyone. 

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