Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Cupid by Jason Myers, self published

 Well, that was fun!! Here is a perfect story for Valentine’s Day!! It’ll only take about an hour to read, so definitely give this one a go! Jason Myers put a lovely twist on this story. Recommended to be read in February, before Valentine’s Day, or on love day would be best. 

I figured this story was going to get all crazy and dark, and it did. This may be a short 40 page story, but it gives just the right amount of blood and gore you would expect from a story like this. 

Cupid is not the cute little angel we see pictures of or hear about. He doesn’t carry a bow with love arrows who shoots people in the back to make them fall in love. No, Cupid is a mean vengeful wickedness that seeks out the betrayers and deals in karma. 

And I just want to add, with a name like Jason Myers writing a horror story about Cupid, you can’t go wrong!

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